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Cooking guide / ricette regionali

Carne alla Pizzaiola: ricette regionali e varianti creative

Carne alla Pizzaiola: ricette regionali e varianti creative

Diffusa in molte regioni e che esalta l’incontro tra la tenerezza della carne e la ricchezza della salsa di pomodoro.

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Ricette di biscotti natalizi con ricotta, yogurt, mostarde e miele

Ricette di biscotti natalizi con ricotta, yogurt, mostarde e miele

Idee gustose, particolari e perfette per coccolare chi ami.

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Cosa si mangia a ferragosto in Italia?

What do you eat on Ferragosto in Italy?

A gastronomic journey through the Italian regions between tradition and classics.

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Pasta filled with mints : tortelli from Crema

Here Masterchef Italia is once again making people talk about itself with a very fresh pressure test full of doubts: what filling did the mints go in?

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Quinto quarto

5 recipes with veal spleen

The spleen sandwich is a great classic, but the king of the fifth quarter hides his multifaceted nature, let's discover 5 regional recipes
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8 sauces for Bourguignonne

Bourguignonne is something superlative that combines particular cooking with sublime cubes of meat. The detail? The sauce!
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Cuts of meat in the kitchen: the genuine guide

Which cut of meat should we choose when we approach a recipe? Which is enhanced by spices and various ingredients? Let's find out together.
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