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Cooking guide / carne alla griglia

In cucina

Journey through meat cooking methods

Grilled, pan-fried or baked. What are the most famous and suitable meat cooking methods to enhance each cut? Let's find out together.
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Tutto brace

Asado vs asado de tira

Asado is as good as roast but with a twist. Here are some curiosities about asado and asado de tira.
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Salva pranzo

9 ideas with sausage for a killer dish!

As we know, nothing about pork is thrown away! Especially if the parts considered "less noble" are used to prepare the tasty sausage loved by everyone: the sausage. Here are some ideas for all tastes.
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BBQ world

The Barbecue : rules and advice

There are so many barbecue variations. Juggling and understanding which one is right for us is very simple, just follow the rules and advice and... start licking your chops!
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Save the date!

August 1st : grilled meat day

Here is the world day among the most delicious and dear to us of Genuine Meat! Meat for the BBQ becomes the protagonist.

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Cucina colombiana

Lomo al Trapo: beef steak sui generis

Take a beef steak, salt in exaggerated quantities, a grill and the Lomo al Trapo is served. Almost...Let's discover the specialty...
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BBQ tips

How to clean the barbecue grill ?

Sun, heat, a few friends and the barbecue is served. But when the party is over, how do you clean the BBQ grill? Let's find out together.
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Mastro grigliatore

10 secrets for cooking meat correctly

When the heat arrives, the barbecue responds! Here are the decalogue to discover the right degree of cooking of the meat for a perfect BBQ.
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BBQ estivo

La Fiorentina : the grill par excellence

Fiorentina is the bone-in steak that just thinking about it brings to mind a fragrant barbecue, vegetables in dip and rivers of beer or red wine.

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Facili e veloci

Ribeye and Chuck roll: steak tenderness!

The back of the beef offers optimal solutions for bringing a tasty steak to the table. Ribeye and Chuck Roll compete for the podium for the perfect steak.
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Convivialità antica

The Argentine asado : the rich grill

Very famous in South America and one of the most representative cooking methods of Argentine barbecue: tasty, tasty and very tender, if you know how to do it!
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Anima brasiliana

Churrasco : from Pampa to the table

Churrasco is the romantic name for mixed grill. Stuff for connoisseurs, let's be clear!
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27 results