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Carne Genuina tells the story


Savings ideas: how to save on groceries

How much does weekly shopping cost me! Luckily we can implement strategies to save money: here are some.
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Grandpa Carlo's new surprise box

Do you love challenges like those on Masterchef? No, no Mystery Box here but just a box with our cuts of meat to discover and enjoy

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The new summer edition box

Discover the new box with limited edition Italian meat with genuine, quality cuts of meat!

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In cascina

The ultra-processed foods seen by Nonno Carlo

Have you already read the article opposite and understood little about it? Let's see it with Grandpa Carlo.
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The myth revealed about ultra-processed foods

A little mirror to understand more about the ultra-processed foods we buy.
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Idioms and proverbs about meat and animals

Here is the explanation of the most famous sayings about farm animals and meat to show off at the next barbecue between a beer and a rib.

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Drought : inflation increases and the agricultural sector slows down

The post pandemic and the positive trend for some sectors does not take hold in agriculture.
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Water crisis: Nicola Dell'Acqua nominated in name and in fact!

It may seem like a joke but the new Extraordinary Commissioner promises well in dealing with the crisis in our country
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Genuine meat: a hardworking bee in the Treviglio hive

“Hive that says yes!” the initiative born with the aim of creating a local network of agricultural producers and aware citizens, with the aim of promoting a short, sustainable and supportive supply chain.

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Wildlife and new balances

The new extraordinary plan for the management and containment of wildlife is ready.
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Razze eccellenza

Vacca Vecchia: excellence and tradition

Let's explore this breed, focusing on the famous Chuleton cut and the difference between the old cow from our farm and the old Galician cow breed.
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New scheme for animal welfare

AGEA plays a fundamental role in ensuring the correct functioning of agricultural policies and in providing financial support to Italian farmers. Let's discover some good news.
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184 results