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Wildlife and new balances

Wildlife and man: balances and rules

The Extraordinary Wildlife Containment Plan was introduced to find a balance between the conservation of animal species and human interests. The aim of the plan is to reduce the number of accidents between wild animals and people, as well as damage to crops and public goods.

The Plan was launched at a national level in Italy and focuses on 12 species of wild animals, including wild boar, roe deer, deer, mouflon and wolf. The Plan provides for the adoption of preventive measures, such as the fencing of cultivated land, the creation of protected areas and the use of acoustic and visual deterrents to keep animals away.

Reasons for implementing such a plan might include:

  • Prevent damage to agricultural crops: If wildlife, such as deer or wild boars, feed on agricultural crops, an extraordinary plan could be implemented to control their population and minimize damage to farmers.
  • Managing the spread of disease: In some cases, wildlife can transmit diseases to pets or even humans. An extraordinary plan could be developed to monitor and contain the spread of these diseases.
  • Protect habitat and biodiversity: in some situations, the overpopulation of certain wild species can threaten the balance of local ecosystems. An extraordinary plan could be implemented to manage the population of these species and preserve biodiversity.
  • Prevent road and non-road accidents: If wildlife causes frequent road accidents, a plan could be put in place to reduce the presence of these animals in high-risk areas and improve road safety.

Furthermore, the Plan provides for the active management of animal populations through selective hunting and sterilization of males. The goal is to keep wildlife numbers in a sustainable balance with the surrounding environment and the needs of local communities.

Who manages wildlife?

The Plan was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies and the Italian regions. However, there is some criticism regarding selective hunting and sterilization of males, as these techniques can have side effects on the animals' health and behavior.

Despite this, the Extraordinary Wildlife Containment Plan represents an important step in the sustainable management of wildlife in Italy, trying to find a balance between the conservation of animal species and human interests.

How to manage wildlife?

Recently, a sad case demonstrated the importance of the Extraordinary Wildlife Containment Plan in Italy. A runner was killed by a bear during a mountain run in Trentino-Alto Adige.

The incident sparked debate about wildlife management and the need to find a balance between the conservation of animal species and the safety of people.

The Extraordinary Wildlife Containment Plan provides for the adoption of preventive measures to reduce the risk of accidents between wild animals and people, but this tragic case shows that there are still challenges to face. It is important to continue working to ensure peaceful coexistence between wildlife and human communities.

Some of the preventive measures adopted by the Plan include the creation of protected areas, the fencing of cultivated land and the use of acoustic and visual deterrents to keep animals away. However, the active management of animal populations through selective hunting and sterilization of males has attracted some criticism. These techniques can have side effects on animal health and behavior.