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Carne Genuina tells the story / benessere animale

Erba medica: un tesoro per l'industria alimentare

Erba medica: un tesoro per l'industria alimentare

Erba medica come elemento importantissimo per animali e per creare prodotti caseari e alimentari.

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Macelleria a Treviglio: la tradizione contadina Trevigliese incontra la sostenibilità Italiana dell'arte della macelleria

Macelleria a Treviglio: la tradizione contadina Trevigliese incontra la sostenibilità Italiana dell'arte della macelleria

Dove la tradizione contadina Trevigliese incontra la sostenibilità Italiana dell'arte della macelleria


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Hilda: la mucca eco-friendly

Hilda: la mucca eco-friendly

Un passo avanti verso un futuro più verde.

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Carne bovina sostenibile: una nuova certificazione

Carne bovina sostenibile: una nuova certificazione

Una nuova certificazione per garantire la qualità della carne e il benessere animale.
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Stress in calves and petting

An American study shows how love really is the solution to everything
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The Story of Temple Grandin

The animal welfare experienced by this special woman (and child) who revolutionized the way we work today.
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New scheme for animal welfare

AGEA plays a fundamental role in ensuring the correct functioning of agricultural policies and in providing financial support to Italian farmers. Let's discover some good news.
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National quality for animal welfare : steps forward!

The members of the Technical Scientific Committee for Animal Welfare (CTSBA) have been appointed: let's discover the names
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A delicate topic: slaughter

Let's talk about slaughter respecting the animal.
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Storie Genuine

Respectful slaughter of cattle

Our family company has a supply chain that makes the difference, truly from start to finish.
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Alimentazione bovina

Quality of beef. Is “grass fed” better?

Animal welfare as a point of origin offers excellent and first choice products: let's discover feeding in the wild.
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Animal welfare for Genuine Meat

When we talk about animal welfare , first of all we must have a deep understanding of the animal we are talking about; here in Cascina there are several and taking care of their well-being is part of our daily life.
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