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Carne Genuina tells the story / sostenibilità

Agricoltura, clima e sostenibilità

Agricoltura, clima e sostenibilità

La sfida della zootecnia e l’esempio di Carne Genuina.
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Domande frequenti sull'inquinamento della carne

Domande frequenti sull'inquinamento della carne

Carne e inquinamento: chiariamo alcuni dubbi.
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Carne e sostenibilità: la Francia riduce le emissioni con il “Label Bas Carbone”
Come mangiare carne in modo sostenibile?

How to eat meat sustainably?

Sustainability and meat consumption: two terms that can clash... not if you know how to do it well.
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The Story of Temple Grandin

The animal welfare experienced by this special woman (and child) who revolutionized the way we work today.
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100% Italian meat: good and virtuous

The production of Italian meat boasts the podium for water sustainability, here's another reason to bring it to the table.
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Sustainable agriculture: everything starts from the soil

Sustainability: to get to the top you need to start from the bottom, here's how.
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Quinoa : why it is good for humans and bad for the planet

We explain to you why Grandpa Carlo would never eat a dish of quinoa: perfect for those who want to keep fit but less so for our land.
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Agrivoltaic : agriculture 2.0

Agrivoltaics and photovoltaics let's clarify the terms that will soon become everyday life. Or maybe not?
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G economy

Italian meat is the most sustainable in the world!

100% Italian meat still amazes, which is why we are on the sustainability podium.
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How much water does it take to produce 1kg of meat?

Water is an irreplaceable primary good necessary for the agri-food sector: here's how it is used.
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Stop CO2

Carbon neutrality : let's think about the future

Carbon neutrality and short supply chain: here's how to reduce the polluting impact of ruminants and offer sustainable meat consumption.
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