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Carne Genuina tells the story / razze bovine europee


Grass Fed Italian meat: our Belgian Blue

Good, healthy and Genuine meat with a capital G is back: discovering the Belgian Blue in our online butcher's shop.
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The Highland breed: majesty from Scotland

Let's discover together a new majestic and beautiful cattle breed that comes from ancient Caledonia.
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Razze eccellenza

Vacca Vecchia: excellence and tradition

Let's explore this breed, focusing on the famous Chuleton cut and the difference between the old cow from our farm and the old Galician cow breed.
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Razze EU

Cattle breeds and geography : the journey continues

Europe is a continent rich in different elements ranging from raw materials to livestock with multiple characteristics, here is the continuation of the curious journey
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Bovini EU

European cattle breeds: the geographical map

Bovine breeds take on different characteristics depending on the place in which they grow and develop, here are the examples from Europe
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