Inevitable in the kitchen: books on meat
Learning and animal welfare

The cuts of meat. Cattle, pigs, sheep and farmyard animals
A real cornerstone for those who love meat in all its forms. This book is a true manual that tells everything about the modern slaughter chain, from the ethical breeding of animals, to the nutritional characteristics and variety of cuts of meat, and how they are packaged and transported. A 360° book from the breeder to the consumer.
The Big Book of Flesh. All breeds, origins, cuts and cooking techniques
A complete and exhaustive manual that will take you on a journey around the world of meat: the cattle breeds, the different cuts, the offal and the cooking techniques that know how to enhance every quality. But also many topics and all the butchers' secrets on how to choose the knives to use and the tools to treat meat to perfection. A real must have!
Everything starts from the earth. Meats, a supply chain for well-being and sustainability
"I am always surprised to see how little attention we pay to the value and quality of food, how little time we dedicate to understanding what nourishes us, keeps us alive and influences the quality of our very existence." These are the words of Lorenzo Rizzieri, owner of a famous butcher's shop who has been committed to promoting an ethical approach to meat consumption for many years. With this book he tells and explains how to behave towards conscious consumption and an ethical choice of meat. An approach that we also follow at Carne Genuina.
The BBQ Bible by Steven Raichlen
BBQ Universe. Everything you need to know about Marco Agostini's vast and fascinating world of grilling
Becoming a grill master by Gianfranco Lo Cascio
The beautiful season is upon us! It's time to be prepared for the upcoming barbecues with family and friends. There are books that become real companions in the kitchen thanks to their ability to describe topics in a simple and direct way.
The basic techniques illustrated step by step, the wealth of information, obviously also many recipes: beef, chicken, pork but also vegetables, cheeses and desserts. By reading these books you will discover that barbecue is an infinite world, of which many of us know a small part. Ribs , ribs, salamis and skewers will no longer have secrets for you thanks to these books that teach you how to juggle charcoal, grill and barbecue, explain every step, every trick, the marinades (with or without RUB ) and types of cooking to become perfect master grillers.
Street Food
Blend gourmet hamburger by Blend Hamburger Gourmet (Author), L'ippocampo (ed.)
Perfect burger by Giacomo Ballarini
From street food, quick to consume and delicious to sophisticated gourmet cuisines from all over the world. The hamburger is a dish that can amaze and attract every person who loves meat, fish and even those who prefer veggy versions. Versatile and very tasty, this cut of meat, usually placed between two slices of crusty bread, a few salad leaves and everyone really likes it. This is why we recommend these two books which range from the many recipes, the best cuts of meat, the precise combinations of elements and spices , to create the perfect hamburger!
1000 red meat recipes by Emilia Valli
W the fat of Alberto Citterio
Nutritious and tasty, free-range beef, pork, chicken and capons lend themselves to multiple recipes, suitable to satisfy all types of palates. Roasts , braised meats , pies, for those with more traditional tastes; goulash ,tricolor shabu shabu , for those who love more exotic flavours; up to burgers , skewers and meatballs, to make children appreciate meat too. In these books you will find many recipes, traditional but also more modern, to prepare meat dishes in the tastiest and most genuine way.
You will also find some indications on how to consciously purchase meat, to treat it equally well and cook it even better since each cut, depending on many things, has cooking techniques that enhance it and others that penalize it.
In short, whether we choose a recipe book, a manual or an encyclopedia, the world of publishing offers us a world of books related to meat: to buy, browse and always keep at hand. All we have to do is take some ideas and have fun inventing, creating and cooking new recipes with a single common denominator: Genuine Meat!