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Vacca vecchia

The farmhouse offers "old" and new innovations

It's easy to say ribeye from old Galician cow

How many times while scrolling through the menu of a restaurant have we come across a strange proposal like "Vaca Vieja by Rubia Gallega"? Now, perhaps it hasn't happened yet, but we need to make a note and find the valid homemade alternative - in the farmhouse, sorry - capable of expressing all the flavor that lies in a cut of vintage meat, capable of offering maximum potential thanks to constant control.

Carne Genuina's old cow rib chooses to (re)present itself with all its arrogance and its innumerable characteristics: it ranges from an intense flavor to a scenic cut. The idea was born from full respect for the current of thought that puts the short supply chain into practice and, if the Spaniards succeeded by creating the rubia galicia, why can't Italy also offer something genuine?

Adjectives aside, the solution is served on a silver platter, and if the solution rhymes with rib, well, there's little to add!


Beef and ribeye

The steak is the undisputed cut of Tuscany, it is difficult to reproduce an authentic and particular taste, a succulent and tasty "t-bone steak", with a sublime aroma, without the need for additions, perhaps just with a little Maldon salt which makes always its scene.

However, the desire to add excellence to the already rich culinary panorama allows us to take inspiration from foreign customs and traditions and make them our own.

The idea of ​​the old cow rib was born exactly like this.

The recipes that allow you to put a product on the table range from curious ideas to simple and immediate solutions, what matters is total devotion and attention to the cut of beef being treated since to make it amazing you need almost obsessive care combined with desire to get involved and turn on the stove.

Different cooking methods allow you to bring the product to the table even without the barbecue - an indispensable element during the summer, and remain anchored to the stove or oven. In short, you just need a little inventiveness and perfect ideas to create a superlative dish.

Recipe recipes of the best meat in the world

The choice to define Vaca Vieja as the best meat in the world becomes clear only after having tasted a bite of steak or steak from old cow: when the flavor is released in the mouth, the completeness of the taste becomes a real pleasure for the taste buds, the authentic touch transforms the moment into summers.

Here, exactly at that moment, we can say that it is the best meat in the world, capable of competing with Wagyu meat, just to name one. However, mastery in the kitchen is needed to transform the rib-eye into an excellent dish. Over time, Carne Genuina has chosen to propose various recipes in which the rib-eye is the protagonist, here are some ideas.

Basilischi ribeye

The essence of the recipe revolves around a term "organic", once again Carne Genuina wants to promote the purity and extension of the taste that exists between a rib obtained from the short supply chain compared to any other competitor.

The necessary raw material, especially when it comes to particularities, requires multiple attentions and total respect.

The organic rib-eye Basilischi style is a particular and curious recipe that chooses to convey the attachment to the land and translate it into particular culinary combinations with an eccentric twist, which is, moreover, a primary characteristic of the inventor.

Onions and old cow rib: a great classic

Two well-known ingredients and one a little less so, or perhaps only for those less accustomed to using spices and RUB. Paprika is the hidden ingredient - but only for a very short time - which allows you to enhance the taste and make it original, with that distinctive trait that requires a further bite to be recognised, and then another.

In short, the perfect algorithm for enjoying a… curious steak! The old cow rib becomes a perfect starting point to link the dish to the peasant tradition.

A green detail: rib eye in green sauce

Sometimes it is the sauce that is the perfect co-protagonist capable of enhancing the flavor without overdoing it. The proposal chooses to fully respect the objective of offering the right compromise to meat with character.

You need to add while remaining in the shadows, this is how the dish presents itself: an addition without frills and excesses.

The rib in a green dress allows you to complete the bite thanks to a small detail, cooking on the fire offers a valid substitute.

Our old Italian cow

From the cultivation of the fields to the packaging of the products: Carne online Genuina chooses to take care of the entire production chain, focusing on the need to maintain intact traditions and customs typical of the area and handed down for generations.

On the one hand, full support for technological solutions capable of streamlining the production cycle and respecting the environment, on the other the desire to offer new products with authentic flavors capable of surprising without shocking, satisfying the palate without strange.

Different solutions and particularities allow those who put themselves in front of the stove to create tasty, tasty and delicious dishes. One of the secrets to making each course a real experience is to use healthy, genuine and above all chosen ingredients, which is why preferring the short supply chain becomes a plus that is difficult to match.