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Un classico

Veal with tuna sauce

Vitello tonnato falls into the category of recipes adaptable to different solutions: perfect in summer for a light dinner, it also lends itself to a winter appetizer . Furthermore, the adaptation of the main ingredient allows it to be combined with risky and more delicate creations.

The origins of vitel tonnato

The nineteenth century is the historical period which, thanks to Pellegrino Artusi, marks the appearance of this particular dish. Originally there was no trace of tuna - or even mayonnaise - but the thinly sliced ​​veal rump was seasoned with an anchovy and oil sauce.

The Piedmontese boast the birth of the recipe which was completely distorted compared to what is known today. It seems, in fact, that the term "tonnato" is a distortion of the French word "tonè" (tanned). The tuna was added at a later time, when chef Artusi chose to combine particular ingredients and thus give life to this particular dish, tasty and delicate at the same time.


Revisit a recipe, take inspiration, completely overturn it. All these actions have a common denominator, that is, they start from the original recipe, the result of the innate and exceptional inventiveness of Pellegrino Artusi.


  • 8 00 g of tuna sauce (tondino, magatello or girello)
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • 2 cans of tuna in oil
  • 3 hard-boiled egg yolks
  • 4 ladles of meat broth
  • garlic
  • bay leaves and rosemary
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • some anchovies in oil
  • capers


The preparation of the dish develops in three phases:

  1. Meat preparation
    Fill a high-sided pan with water , add the bay leaves and rosemary , the carrots , the celery , the white wine , a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil , the tuna meat . Leave on low heat for 90-120 minutes, then remove the meat and let it cool naturally .
  2. Preparation of the tuna sauce
    Just before serving, you can dedicate yourself to preparing the sauce. Boil the eggs , divide the whites and yolks . In a bowl, combine the egg yolks with the drained tuna, the capers, the cleaned anchovies, 3 or 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and the same amount of meat cooking broth. Puree everything with the immersion blender until you obtain a thick yet smooth cream .
  3. Preparation of the course
    Cut the veal into thin slices , arrange them on a serving plate, pour in the tuna sauce, taking care to spread the sauce on each slice. Scatter a few capers here and there to give a touch of colour.

The dish is ready to bring to the table! Enjoy your meal!

Which meat do I choose?

There are many cuts of meat that lend themselves to the preparation of vitello with tuna sauce, which is why choosing the best piece without making mistakes is sometimes difficult. The most used, however, is undoubtedly the Magatello cut.

Working in the kitchen, adding a touch of imagination, bringing sometimes extravagant and unconventional dishes to the table is the dream of all chefs - and cooks.

Precisely for this reason, Bovì chooses to offer the Bovì Boxes which group together different cuts of meat capable of surprising guests and perfect for different cooking methods: from roast to veal with tuna sauce, in a single box! What an idea!

In fact, to prepare vitello tonnato you can use: magatello, tondino or girello. Some of these cuts are also perfect for preparing tasty roasts or everyday steaks.

The Bovì Box satisfies the tastes of the whole family, add a touch of imagination and bring inviting, delicious and always different dishes to the table!