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Pasta omelette with meat sauce

Pasta with ragù and omelette: the heart of Italian cuisine in one dish

Pasta with ragù is a symbol of Italian cuisine, a recipe handed down from generation to generation. A good ragù requires time and patience, as the flavors blend slowly, creating a rich and tasty sauce.

However, during the summer season, the heat can discourage us from dedicating hours to preparing this dish. This is why the pasta omelette with meat sauce is an ideal solution for enjoying the flavors of meat sauce, but in a lighter and fresher version.

But not only with ragù, the pasta omelette is an incredibly versatile dish that lends itself to infinite combinations of ingredients, allowing you to give vent to your culinary creativity.

You can use all types of pasta, short or long, leftover or freshly cooked, to give your omelette a unique texture. Furthermore, you can enrich it with a variety of ingredients, such as seasonal vegetables, cheeses, ham, cured meats, or even more unusual ingredients such as mushrooms, seafood or olives.

Your imagination is the only limitation when it comes to creating a pasta omelette tailored to your tastes. With a pinch of inventiveness, you can always create a new and irresistible pasta omelette to surprise your guests or simply to enjoy a tasty and satisfying meal.

The perfect combination of tradition and desire for goodness

Pasta with ragù is one of the most loved and famous dishes in all Italian homes.

Its goodness and simplicity make it a timeless classic, but what to do when the summer heat discourages us from spending hours at the stove to prepare homemade ragù from scratch?

The solution is simple and delicious: use a ready-made ragù of the highest quality.

This quick and summery version allows us to enjoy all the flavor of the ragù, but with a fresh and light touch. Let's find out together how to make this delicacy in a few simple steps.

The summer version with ready-made ragù

For the summer version of the Pasta Omelette with Ragù, we can use a ready-made ragù prepared with quality 100% Italian zero-impact Bovì meat, like the one you can find in our online butcher's shop.

This option allows us to save time in the kitchen, since the ready ragù is already rich in flavor and perfectly balanced. With a high quality ragù, we can be sure of getting a tasty and appetizing omelette, without the need to cook the ragù from scratch.

Pasta omelette with meat sauce recipe


  • 250 g of short pasta cooked al dente (penne, fusilli, etc.)
  • 200 g of ready-made ragù
  • 4 eggs
  • 50 g of grated parmesan
  • 50 ml of milk
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


Let's prepare the base of the classic omelette. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the grated parmesan, milk, salt and pepper until you obtain a smooth mixture.

Add the pasta cooked al dente and seasoned with the ready ragù to the egg mixture and mix well, making sure that the pasta is well covered by the egg.

Heat a non-stick pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and pour in the pasta mixture with meat sauce and eggs.

Let the omelette cook over medium-low heat for about 5-6 minutes, until it is golden and firm at the bottom.

With the help of a plate, turn the omelette and cook it on the other side for another 5-6 minutes, until it is also golden on the top.

Transfer the pasta omelette with meat sauce onto a serving plate and cut it into wedges. Serve hot and enjoy this delicious summer reinterpretation of the classic Italian ragù.

Easy and tasty pasta omelette

Pasta omelette with meat sauce is the perfect solution to enjoy the flavors of traditional Italian meat sauce even during the summer season. The light and quick version allows us to appreciate all the flavor of the ragù, but in a fresh and quick preparation suitable for hot summer days.

Prepared in just a few steps, this omelette will be ideal for a tasty and quick lunch or dinner. Try this delicious recipe and let yourself be conquered by the flavors of the Italian tradition in a summer version. Enjoy your meal!