The beautiful season returns: barbecue time
How do you choose barbecue meat?
The perfect barbecue exists. To achieve it you need to take into consideration some basic, fundamental and essential aspects, it all seems very complicated. Mistake! As easy the barbecue fire! First you need:
- Top quality pork
- Beef on the bone: to amaze guests and offer something special and traditional at the same time
- Sausage: the basis for a "delicious" grill
- Chicken meat: to satisfy those who are perpetually on a diet and see barbecue as the bête noire
In short, first you need the meat. And then the barbecue. Choosing meat is easy, 3 requirements are needed: 100% Italian online meat - guarantee of goodness, meat raised according to traditional protocols designed to keep animal welfare intact.

Cuts of meat for mixed grills
The tasting BBQ Box is the perfect solution to refine the art of the master griller and bring noteworthy, top quality ingredients to the table. The BBQ Box contains different cuts of meat for grilling capable of satisfying the tastes of different people and lending itself to filling the table with different tastes, aromas and flavours: from the classic hamburger, to the scenic carré passing through the tasty salamis or the skewers for the more refined. In short, bbq box is synonymous with winning the scibobobon bonscibon.
Alongside pork and beef, lighter solutions can be proposed such as chicken meat which can be grilled without too many demands. In fact, grilled chicken meat does not require marinating or any particular pre- and post-cooking treatment. It is true that a lot depends on the recipe, but it is equally true that delicious cuts suitable for everyone can be brought to the table without too many demands.
Beyond barbecue meat: the beer that unites!
- The perfect combination when one of the two denominators is grilled beef - but pork, chicken or dinosaur, and beer are also fine. Beer represents the perfect completion of a circle which, especially during the barbecue phase, becomes the pure essence of the company. If the choice falls on craft beer it means increasing the probability of an easy win mentioned above. Carne Genuina has chosen, exactly for this purpose, to offer a line of craft beers to satisfy every taste: red, light or amber. And then, for a substantial barbecue you need a beer: this is the motivation of the latest arrival. Pratorosso Red Beer chooses to complement the intense and full-bodied flavor of grilled meat by offering a compact color and a full flavour.
Seasonings for grilled and grilled meat
- Another piece to make the first barbecue of the season unforgettable is the choice of accompanying spices. Two elements are essential: the marinade and the choice of RUB in cooking. Carne Genuina recommends using RUB for meat also for marinating so as to perfectly calibrate the salt and spices added. However, you may prefer other solutions ranging from herbs from your own garden to the desire to add an oriental and exotic touch. Whatever the choice in this case, balance reigns supreme and becomes the undisputed king of the perfect recipe. How to do? Choose the meat online, define the recipe, find the right marinade and...get to work. The embers are ready and the practical advice to make it perfect is at your fingertips!
Grilled meat and cooking times
When it comes to grilled meat, the topic that attracts least interest is the time needed to dedicate to the cooking phase. Everyone feels like the master of professing their own recipe - omitting the chef's secret - so as to be able to receive waves of applause at the first reunion, yet the "timing" discussion should be essential. Let's clarify:
Cooking BBQ pork
- Sausages: 10-15 minutes
- Ribs: 45 minutes
- Chops: 5 minutes per side
- Skewers: 15-20 minutes
Cooking BBQ chicken meat
- Thighs: 25-30 minutes
- Skewers: 15-20 minutes
BBQ cooking beef and veal
- Beef steak: 2-3 minutes per side
- Veal rib: 5 minutes per side
BBQ cooking mutton and lamb
- Chops: 5 minutes per side
BBQ cooking cheeses
- 1 minute, the thickness is decisive
BBQ cooking fruit and vegetables
- About 7 minutes
Cooking BBQ fish meat
- It depends on 3 minutes for shellfish to 20 minutes for a piece of tuna or salmon
The times indicated are approximate and are used to give an idea in terms of the size needed to bring all the hot and steaming dishes to the table.