How to cook on soapstone
What is soapstone?
The soapstone plate is a particular rock coming from Val Chiavenna which has numerous characteristics and is suitable for use in the kitchen. Among the best known are:
- High heat resistance, thanks to uniform temperature maintenance.
- Hardness of the stone that allows it to also be used in kitchen utensils such as soapstone pot sets.
- Ease of cleaning given by the absence of pores on the surface which makes the soapstone plate the perfect tool for home grilling.
Cooking on a soapstone plate takes on another truly important peculiarity, especially for those who want to treat themselves to tasty and fit dishes at the same time: the possibility of cooking without seasonings becomes a prerogative for those who want to keep the flavor of the product intact without burdening the seasoning .
How to cook on soapstone
The soapstone grill pan is the easiest tool to use in the kitchen, the only precaution is to wait until the plate is hot and then proceed with the classic cooking without seasonings. There are other solutions on the market that have the soap dish as a starting point, after all it is an extremely versatile accessory with which to prepare tasty vegetables, delicate fish dishes, cook meat in all its variations and why not? Dust off your patriotic spirit and dare to prepare pizza!
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Soapstone for barbecue use
Depending on your cooking preferences, you need to equip yourself with the various tools available on the market. The three elements to take into consideration when choosing are:
- The thickness of the plate at least 2 cm
- The presence of comfortable and practical handles
- A resistant frame capable of withstanding high temperatures so as to make cooking more practical
Soap stone and first use
When using newly purchased kitchen tools, you need to pay attention the first time you use them so as to make subsequent uses more practical and simple. In the case of the soapstone meat griddle, it is necessary to wash with water and salt since it is created with a raw material that has not been chemically treated.
Simply dissolve 20 g of coarse salt in hot water and pass it carefully over the plate, then pat dry with a dry cloth. Sprinkle the surface with olive oil and leave to absorb for at least 24 hours. Lava stone for cooking is natural and it is necessary to avoid the use of chemical detergents which can compromise the caloric intake and ruin the surface.
What to cook on the soapstone griddle?
Soapstone lends itself to any type of food: from beef in its more - or less - delicious cuts, to fish, through cheeses and vegetables, perhaps even daring some fruit to create something exotic, over the top and capable of surprising - for real - all the guests. Be careful to heat the plate well!
Soapstone grill for meat
The meat keeps its softness intact and offers an authentic and true flavour. The cuts of meat that lend themselves to this particular method range from the most well-known and delicious ones such as hamburgers and chicken, to more particular ones such as the Florentine steak or the beef fillet. Foresight comes from placing the meat on the stone when it is very hot and checking the cooking from time to time, which must be even.
Fish plate
The most suitable types of fish are those that come in slices or whole such as salmon and trout, you can choose to add a little seasoning such as extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of lemon, however you can also choose to bring a cold condiment to the table without intervening during the cooking phase.

Soapstone plate for vegetables
Cut into slices, a couple of minutes on each side and the authentic flavor of the garden is transferred to the table. The vegetables lend themselves to true and total fit cooking thanks to the complete absence of condiments before, during and after: a few grains of salt or pepper will be enough to flavor the vegetables.
Soapstone pizza plate
She is the queen of Italian tradition. Easy to make and perfect to cook on the soapstone as it requires even and even cooking. You need to pay maximum attention to the dough which must be compact and elastic. For the first experiences it is better to prefer small pizzas so as to test the times and the griddle and then at a later time venture towards something more substantial.
Soapstone plate for fruit
The choice of fruit must be directly linked to the recipe you want to bring to the table. Usually the fruits that are best suited to cooking on the griddle are fruits that can be cut into slices and are not too juicy, such as pineapple for example. Creating something sweet and sour becomes a real challenge in the kitchen which translates into something spectacular, thanks to a simple soap dish.
Cooking methods and where to find them
Genuine meat, in addition to offering first choice meat online created according to traditional rules, chooses to provide interesting cooking ideas to amaze guests and make the recipe creation phase a real experience. If for the trip out of town it offers the disposable casus grill for the barbecue, with friends on a late spring evening you can think of the soapstone plate which modestly makes a good impression. The triad of particular Italian meat cut, sweet and sour recipe and soapstone therefore becomes pure desire to dare and satisfy the taste buds which will surely thank you! Dare, the griddle is fit, and the approaching summer is no longer a problem, zero condiments, only authentic flavours!