New logo, same passion
Carne Genuina tells the story: between past and present
It is 1920. Great-grandfather Silvio lives in the Cascina Delfina in Treviglio, in the heart of the Bergamo plain and takes care of his own dairy farm. Very few times a year, he chooses a young calf or a bull and, with the collaboration of an artisan butcher, shares it with the surrounding families. From the cultivation of fodder for the cattle to the distribution of the meat, everything happens near the farmhouse: no intermediate steps, no unnecessary waste.
It is 2012. Mattia Assanelli, Silvio's great-grandson, works in a large food company. His father Carlo and brothers Cristoforo and Simone work on the family farm. Mattia observes the dynamics of large-scale retail trade characterized by an infinite number of intermediate steps between producer and consumer, with great waste of packaging, fuel, raw materials and studies how large-scale retail trade compromises the bargaining power of breeders and farmers. Nothing could be further from the sober and ethical peasant management of resources.
Thus arose in Mattia the need to find a way to focus the consumer's interest on the final product, again, as naturally happened in the agricultural world. And this is how the idea of creating a service that puts farmers and consumers in contact was developed, to distribute the beef produced on the farm with other families, directly and without intermediate steps, just as great-grandfather Silvio did. The objectives are: to have total control of your supply chain, enhance the role of the farmer and offer a healthy product, with an unequivocal brand recognizable by consumers, who are offered a superior quality product, completely traceable by the customer.

At the beginning of the project, the sale of meat online was dedicated exclusively to beef boxes. A clear brand was needed, which unequivocally identified this product. The Bovì logo was born from the collaboration with the cheerful Maria Tasca of QQO Design: a simple calligraphic writing, genuine and spontaneous, red like the passion that drives this project. The Bovì logo stands out on the Bovì Box , the first original product and still the flagship product of the online butcher's shop. We have been simply "Bovì" for years: a logo with a strong identity, with us since the beginning: a logo that we love very much and that will always accompany us.
From 2014 to 2021 we have come a long way! Many other products have been added to the online butcher's shop such as sausages, local cured meats and artisanal cheeses , free-range chicken and pork and "Bovì" has begun to no longer fully represent us. It will always continue to identify all our 100% Italian beef products produced by our family business, but this year the need arose to find a new name, which would include all the innovations, without losing the connection with our history and our values.

In March we officially became “Carne Genuina”, debuting with the new logo, also created by QQO Design. A simple logo like us, an image that contains what we love: the colors of hay and the Bergamo countryside and, in the foreground, a farmer with a moustache. We like to think that it is great-grandfather Silvio who, from afar, observes how we managed to go so far, following in his footsteps.